Bill Hader
Bill Hader

I hated pitch meetings. Pitch meetings were my least favorite part of the week. I just gave up. I was so terrible at them.

Billy Beane
Billy Beane

I've always been intellectually restless, but it is the building part of it that most interests me. It is the constructing of the team that is my favorite part. Anyone who is familiar with the history of the A's franchise, even dating back to Philadelphia, knows that every five or 10 years, you have to tear it apart and rebuild it.

Brooke Astor
Brooke Astor

I love the Park. I like to walk on the East River, too, up at Gracie Square, but Central Park is my favorite part of the city.

Candice Patton
Candice Patton

My favorite part of my working day is hanging with my hair and makeup team. They keep me energized and motivated.

Chris Young
Chris Young

My favorite part is, once a song is out there to the public, having someone come up and tell their own story about why one of your songs resonated with them. It's an incredible feeling.

Christina Anstead
Christina Anstead

I love design. That's my favorite part about flipping houses and that's what I'm good at so to be able to go outside the box and not just design houses that are flips.

Cobie Smulders
Cobie Smulders

I've really been enjoying The Bar Method because I'm not a sweaty mess when we get to my favorite part of class - the end.

Cody Bellinger
Cody Bellinger

I think everyone's favorite part of the game is hitting - especially when you're having success - considering it's so hard to do.

Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof

I've always been fascinated by Disneyland and Disney World, and my favorite part of the park was always Tomorrowland.

Darren Aronofsky
Darren Aronofsky

I spent about a year and a half doing technical post work on 'The Fountain'. Although I do like the process, I think my favorite part of filmmaking is the actors.